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Privacy Policy

Zero Pain Philosophy Privacy Policy 


This policy describes how your personal data is handled by Zero Pain Philosophy (ZPP). Zero Pain Philosophy is a trading name of Ace Vets Ltd. Your data is kept under GDPR regulations which came into effect on 25th of May 2018. 


Personal data is considered to be anything that can be used to identify an individual either directly or indirectly. 


We hold data which you have submitted through our contact form, through signing up for one of our services, or taking part in our surveys. 


Parts of our sites are managed in conjunction with third parties all of whom have their own GDPR process and data security measures. Our email contact is managed via Wix. Our contact form is managed via Google Suite. Webinar payments are processed by Stripe. Webinars are hosted through Zoom. Surveys are managed via Google Suite. 


We aim to comply with the following reasons to hold your data: 

  1. Fair, transparent and lawful. 

  2. Specified, legitimate and explicit. 

  3. Adequate, relevant and limited to essential data only. 

  4. Accurate and up to date. 

Data must: 

  1. Be retained no longer than necessary. 

  2. Be kept secure. 


Data will not be shared with third parties other than those listed above. 


Your data is not publicly available on our website. 


You also have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you or to delete personal information by contacting us Such changes will be made within 14 days of your request. 


Ace Vets Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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